Friday, June 24, 2011

Adding Icons to our movies and flickr App

If you followed our movies app and flickr app tutorials, and feel that there is something lacking. There is, we dont have an icon. So lets add them.

Download the files here.
movies icons
flickrer icons (the flickr app)
zneaker icons (the simple tab bar app)

There are two png files. One for retina display, and one for non hd. Just add the unzipped pngs to the resources folder and check "copy items into destination group's folder". Notice that the names are icon.png and icon@2x.png. Well, if you want to send your app to the app store someday, you would want to stick to this naming convention. The icon.png is non-hd and the @2x is the retina display version. Well, once you've copied it your done! Enjoy our new icons.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creating a REST Web Service App with Rotten Tomatoes API and SBJson Framework

We will create an app that will display a list of upcoming movies and their review scores in a table view. We will get our data from Rotten Tomatoes my favorite movie review site. But to be able to access their web service, we would need our own API key. We can get one by registering here:

The Rotten Tomatoes API uses a RESTful service and it returns a JSON response. So to parse our response we would need to use the SBJson framework

Now, lets get started. Create a view based application in xcode. Name it "movies".

A Simple Tab Bar Application Tutorial

We are going to create a simple tab bar application, using the tab bar application template in xcode. Most of our UI will be done in interface builder, and we are only going to write a few lines of code.

This is how the final app is going to look like.

So, lets get started.